

"State" should be stored whithin a JavaScript Object Tree in the Noflux application. The state should be:

  • Immutable

  • Globally unique(single source of truth)

  • Serializable(not required)

Noflux and Redux have the same concept of state management.


The immutable state means that you shouldn't modify but create a copy of the state. So it could be convenient to make hot reloading, snapshot and so on.

There are many ways to implement an "immutable object" such as using Immutable.js, Object.assign in ES2015 and spread operator(...) in ES2016. Here is an example:

const originObj = {
  a: 1,
  b: '2',
  c: { v: 3},
const newObj = { ...originObj, d: 4};

That object clone implementation is widely used in Redux but would be complicated when modifying deeply nested state, for example here or this sample:

const originObj = {
  a: {
    b: {
      c: [1, 2, 3],
      d: 4,
const newObj = {
  a: {
    b: {
      d: 3,

Changing deeply nested state is simple in the Noflux application by using state.get and state.set:

import { state } from '@noflux/react';
  a: {
    b: {
      c: [1, 2, 3],
      d: 4,
state.set('a.b.d', 5);  // same as clone(originObj).a.b.d = 3
state.get();            // return the modified object

Noflux provices immutable operators for not only Object but also Array. For example, state.get('a.b.c.1') will return 2. The string describing the operation path in arguemnts is called "path description string" (more usage here).

The implementation of state is in @noflux/state package (NPM, Github) which provides state management and event listening for Noflux.

single source of truth

Noflux global unique state, the single source of truth one, make it no need to use new to create state but directly import it.

import { state } from '@noflux/react';

Since the state is held by the closure within @noflux/react, you can import it in any .js (or .jsx) file. No need to use any "magic" to get a reference to the state, such as Context.

Using the single source of truth state avoids the complexity of management of state fragmentation, and it can easily implement hot reloading or snapshots.

But it also means that any changing of state will create a new object tree and trigger the component re-rendering. As the state becomes more complex, the rendering time of the page doubles.

Don't worry, Noflux state use Copy-on-write to reduce the cost of duplicating and @connect decorator can intelligently avoid the useless re-rendering. The optimization of performance will be described in more detail later.


State maintains an object tree, which is usually a plain object that can be serialized (egJSON.stringify). Generally these parameters should not be passed to state.set:

  • Function or Class

  • Object with gettersetter

  • Inherited object

Because Noflux uses the object and array spread operator, { ...obj } and [...arr], only Own Property will be cloned.

There are more advantages to using serializable state:

  • Stored in localStorage and sessionStorage

  • Isomorphic rendering

  • Avoid complex this references in nesting objects.

Next steps

Next, let's have a look at relationship between the state and components: React.

Last updated

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