
Path Description String (path)

Noflux provides a way to traverse any JavaScript object, the "path description string". By using path description string separated with the dot (.) you can specific any child of the object as easy as accessing the object directly. For example:

  a: {
    b: [1, 2, 3],
  • path = '' locates to the root node, { a: { b: [1, 2, 3] } }

  • path ='a' locates to { b: [1, 2, 3] }

  • path = 'a.b' locates to [1, 2, 3]

  • Path description string supports array index. path = 'a.b.1' locates to 3

  • In particular, for paths that contain . or ~, a similar way to JSON Pointer is used. . is escaped to ~0 and ~ is escaped to ~1.

In the next document, the path in arguments and variables refer to the path description string.

state.get([path = ''])

state.get receive an optional path description string path whose default value is '', which represents the root node of the state tree.

state.set({ a: { b: { c: 1 } } });  // store an object tree in state: { a: { b: { c: 1 } } }
state.get();                        // return: { a: { b: { c: 1 } } }

state.get('a.b');                   // return: { c: 1 }
state.get('d.e');                   // return: undefined

state.get().a.b;                    // also return: { c: 1 }
state.get().d.e;                    // will throw TypeError: Cannot read property 'e' of undefined

As shown in the last line of code the state.get always return undefined for non-existent paths instead of throwing an exception. This makes it unnecessary to do so much repetitive initialization and judgment when developing.

state.get is the recommended way to get the internal state tree. Although using . directly also works but may loss performance. (See more here: Partial Connecting)

state.set([path = ''], value)

As same as state.getstate.set receive an optional path description string path. In addition, state.set receive a value and "override" the state on the path.

state.set({ a: {} });       // object tree: { a: {} }
state.set('a.b', 1);        // object tree: { a: { b: 1 } }
state.set('c.d', 's');      // object tree: { a: { b: 1 }, c: { d: 's' } }

@noflux/state implements the Copy-on-write in JavaScript. So all operations that modify the state will make a clone.

This means that state is immutable and can be used to implement snapshots, hot reloading, and so on.

state.set('a.b', 1);
const obj1 = state.get();
state.set('a.c', 2);
const obj2 = state.get();
console.log(obj1 === obj2);  // output: false

It is important to note that state.set is the recommended method of changing the state. Using .directly, like state.get().a.b = 1 will cause the component can not re-rendering as well.

state.update([path = ''], callback)

The update method provides a more functional way to update state. The callback function receives the old value and should return the new value.

state.set('a.b', 1);
state.update('a', obj => ({
  c: 2,
// equals to:
state.set('a', {
  c: 2,
console.log(state.get()); // output: { a: { b: 1, c: 2 } }

state.cursor([path = ''])

If you need to read and write specific path of state, you can use state.cursor to make the code clearer.

State.cursor returns an instance of State, that can be get, set, and even cursor to implement chain call.

const a = state.cursor('a');
a.get();                     // same as state.get('a')
a.cursor('b').set('c', 1);   // same as state.set('a.b.c', 1)

Array methods

Because methods like Array.prototype.push will modify the original array and make state mutable. state wrapped these methods so they always return a clone of array.


  • state.push(...items)

  • state.pop()

  • state.unshift(...items)

  • state.shift()

  • state.fill(value)

  • state.reverse()

  • state.splice(start, deleteCount, ...items)

Array methods don't support the path description string path. You can use it with state.cursor. For example:

state.set('a', [1, 2, 3]);
state.cursor('a').push(4, 5);        // object tree: { a: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] }
state.cursor('a').splice(2, 1, 'a'); // object tree: { a: [1, 2, 'a', 4, 5] }


Thanks to immutable and copy-on-write state, it can be a lower cost to implement snapshots。

Calling state.snapshot () will save the current state and call the following method to "undo" or "redo":

  • state.canUndo()

  • state.undo()

  • state.canRedo()

  • state.redo()

Note that it is important to use canUndo orcanRedo before calling undo or redo otherwise exceeding the range of snapshots will throw an exception: RangeError: no more snapshot available

Last updated

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